Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Privilege on a Continuum

           A few weeks ago in class we were introduced to the idea of privilege being on a continuum. The continuum of privilege is the idea that individuals experience various levels of privilege according to your place within society. This is because different spaces, places and times in society allow for a different privilege to be demonstrated. What puts one at an advantage and serves them to be privileged in one setting may work to put them at a disadvantage in another. Being privileged to something in a setting gives you what you want in that situation with less hassle, worry or work than those who do not have privilege in that area.
            In one context an individual may be at an advantage due to their privilege in that situation and in another they may reverse rolls and be at a disadvantage. For example looking at gender, a man is at an advantage typically in a corporate setting for reasons such as the glass ceiling phenomena, but in a female dominated field they would be at a disadvantage potentially receiving unkind remarks and being labeled or seen through a stereotypes lens.
           An interesting activity I have taken part in to teach students about different levels of privilege is to scatter them around the classroom each with a ball of paper and get them to toss it into a bin at the front. This shows students how privilege through being in different positions and places within society puts them at advantages and disadvantages while attempting to do the same task. 

          This can be a difficult topic for students to grasp, especially if it is attempting them to understand why they may be at an advantage because or something such as race or the family they are from. In order for one to address the subject of privilege they must be aware of where they stand and be critical of society to understand invisible aspects of privilege. The topic must be approached in such a way such as the paper ball activity or another that gets students to first understand the difference between being in different places in society and then focus on the specific factors that can perpetrate this. The following image is one way to try and be aware and learn about what may act as a privilege to you. 

           This is a subject future teachers and current teachers need to be aware of in the classroom, so they can understand where they stand, as well as see what students/families may be at a disadvantage and try to be mindful of that and work to educate society on acknowledging this.

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